Clemson Sports Car Club Autocross – On Campus November 6th

75 drivers competed with the Clemson Sports Car Club Saturday on a beautiful autumn campus setting. With over 30 novices signed up, it’s obvious the interest is growing in the sport for CSCC!

Marc Osgood took Fastest Time of Day in an Integra Type R with a run of 42.626 while carrying his pregnant wife, Jenn… good practice for a near future run to the hospital.  We are sure the Osgood’s  son will have the racing gene as he has his first FTD before birth. Congrats to Marc who eeked out the win by .057 seconds over Craig Buffington in an Evo with a time of 42.683

Congrats to all participants !  Class winners  :

A Class   Craig Buffington – EVO

B Class    John Barber –  BMW 335i

C Class   David Boring –  S2000

CC1 Class   Zach Gobeille – Clemson Club Car RX7

D Class     Dave Carson – Neon

E Class      CW Barber – MR2 Spyder

F Class      Jimmy Winton – Honda Civic

Novice    Henry Bruth – Corvette

R Class    Nate Wimbrow – ASME 240

U Class    Marc Osgood – Integra Type R

All Results from event listed here.

Next Autocross events are scheduled for November 20th and December 11th! More information at

Pictures by Patrick McGinnis – see more of his work at